Avvalor assisted the owners of Italy’s SIAP+MICROS in a sale process, completed on 13/09/2018 with the acquisition by OSMOS, (a subsidiary of the French EREN), and SANLIEN Technology Corp, of Taiwan.

The partnership between SIAP+Micros, OSMOS and SANLIEN is a unique combination of differentiated expertise and service portfolios. It will bring to the market a wider and complementary offering of integrated monitoring solutions for the building, infrastructure and industrial sector.


SIAP + MICROS has almost 100 years of history in the meteorological sector and gained worldwide recognition for its expertise in the field of environmental monitoring.

It developed a wide range of innovative products and systems, totally “Made in Italy”, including meteorological, hydrological and environmental sensors, as well as data transmission equipment and high-value software applications.

OSMOS is a subsidiary of EREN Group, the first group dedicated to the economy of natural resources. Established in 2006, OSMOS is a recognized specialist in the field of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). It offers a wide range of solutions in monitoring structural assets of the building, infrastructure and industrial sectors.

SANLIEN Technology Corp, established in 1967, has been at the forefront of monitoring buildings and infrastructures in Taiwan through engineering instrumentation. SANLIEN provides safety and accurate measurement of civil engineering projects and works.

SIAP + MICROS was assisted by Avvalor with a team led by Fabrizio Ricci and Nicolas Diers.
Avvalor specializes in business finance and offers a range of services including “turnkey” assistance in the procurement of ordinary and extraordinary finance, in the M&A process of selling or buying a company, in the assistance of clients on international markets.

Avvalor is “Partner Equity Markets” of the “Elite” Borsa Italiana program and a member of the M & A Worldwide network.